
  • Moustafa Ahmed
    GBP/USD: Sterling Dives Under $1.30 as UK Inflation Slides Below Bank of England Target
    The UK currency is facing the prospect of further interest rate cuts, which could undermine its ability to deliver strong returns. • The GBP/USD pair fell below $1.30 early Wednesday after the UK released its September inflation report. For the first time in three years, annual consumer price growth dropped to 1.7%, a positive sign for Bank of England policymakers, but not for sterling bulls. This marks the first time inflation has slipped below the central bank’s 2% target since April 2021. • Lower inflation eases the burden on businesses and consumers, who have dealt with price increases as high as 10.1% (September 2022). It also reduces pressure on the Bank of England, allowing it to move more comfortably towards cutting interest rates. However, this is where the sterling takes a hit—lower rates tend to reduce the currency’s ability to generate passive income. • In response, forex traders sold off the pound in favor of the US dollar, anticipating another rate cut at the Bank of England’s November meeting. The result? Selling pressure shaved 0.7% off the pound-dollar exchange rate this morning. Looking at the bigger picture, the sterling has lost around 3% of its value since hitting a 2024 high against the dollar.
    The UK currency is facing the prospect of further
    1 تعليق
    Moustafa Ahmed
    العملة البريطانية تواجه احتمالات خفض إضافي في أسعار الفائدة، مما قد يؤثر على قدرتها على تحقيق عوائد جيدة. • انخفض زوج GBP/USD إلى ما دون 1.30 دولار صباح يوم الأربعاء بعد إصدار تقرير التضخم البريطاني لشهر سبتمبر. ولأول مرة منذ ثلاث سنوات، وصل معدل التضخم السنوي إلى 1.7%، وهو خبر جيد لصناع السياسة في بنك إنجلترا، ولكنه ليس كذلك لمؤيدي الجنيه الإسترليني. هذا أول انخفاض دون هدف البنك المركزي البالغ 2% منذ أبريل 2021. • انخفاض التضخم يخفف العبء على الشركات والمستهلكين الذين واجهوا زيادات شهرية في الأسعار وصلت إلى 10.1% (في سبتمبر 2022). كما أنه يقلل من الضغط على بنك إنجلترا، مما يسمح له بالتحرك بشكل أكثر ثقة نحو خفض أسعار الفائدة. ومع ذلك، فإن هذا ما أضر بالجنيه الإسترليني – حيث أن انخفاض أسعار الفائدة يميل إلى تقليل القدرة على تحقيق دخل سلبي للعملة المحلية. • في هذا السياق، باع المتداولون في أسواق الفوركس ممتلكاتهم من الجنيه الإسترليني لصالح الدولار الأمريكي، توقعاً لخفض آخر في سعر الفائدة خلال اجتماع بنك إنجلترا في نوفمبر. النتيجة؟ أدت ضغوط البيع إلى انخفاض بنسبة 0.7% في قيمة الجنيه الإسترليني مقابل الدولار هذا الصباح. وعلى المدى الأطول، فقد الجنيه حوالي 3% من قيمته منذ أن بلغ ذروته لعام 2024 مقابل الدولار.
  • Say Eldwansy
    The key economic events and data Wednesday, October 16th
    Here are the key economic events and data for tomorrow, Wednesday, October 16th: 🇬🇧 9:00 AM: Consumer Price Index (CPI) 🇬🇧 9:00 AM: Producer Price Index (PPI) أهم الأحداث والبيانات الاقتصادية ليوم غد الأربعاء 16 أكتوبر: 🇬🇧 ٩ صباحاً : مؤشر أسعار المستهلكين 🇬🇧 ٩ صباحًا: مؤشر أسعار المنتجين
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    Say Eldwansy
    متواجدين الان على Threads :)) تابعونا
    Say Eldwansy
    يمكنك متابعة احدث التوصيات والتحليلات والاخبار الاقتصادية عبر صفحتنا العامة على تيليجرام
    Ahmed yehia
    شكراً تسلموا
    يوسف عبدالرحمن
    بالله تنشروا تحليلات يومية وننتظر الكورس الى اعلنتو عنه !
  • Say Eldwansy
    Mahmoud Awad Appointed as Regional Sales Manager | DB Investing
    DB Investing, a global leader in financial brokerage, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mahmoud Awad as the new Regional Sales Manager. Awad’s extensive experience and proven track record in the financial industry make him an ideal candidate to lead the company’s sales efforts across the region. His appointment reflects DB Investing’s ongoing commitment to strengthening its presence in key markets and enhancing the value it delivers to its clients. Mahmoud Awad brings over a decade of experience in sales and financial markets to his new role. Throughout his career, he has demonstrated an ability to drive revenue growth, develop strong client relationships, and implement successful sales strategies. As Regional Sales Manager, Awad will oversee sales operations across multiple regions, focusing on expanding DB Investing’s client base and fostering long-term partnerships. Since its establishment in 2018, DB Investing has rapidly evolved to become a trusted name in global financial markets. The firm is dedicated to providing individuals and institutions with the tools and expertise needed to navigate the complexities of trading. With Awad’s appointment, DB Investing is poised to further expand its footprint in key markets, offering its clients unparalleled service and access to innovative trading solutions. DB Investing has built a reputation for adapting to the fast-changing landscape of financial markets. The company prides itself on delivering top-tier customer service, state-of-the-art trading platforms, and a commitment to transparency. Awad’s leadership is expected to further drive these initiatives, ensuring that DB Investing remains at the forefront of the industry. DB Investing is known for its commitment to innovation, continuously evolving its services to meet the needs of modern traders. The company offers a range of trading solutions, including access to global markets, advanced trading platforms, and comprehensive educational resources. With Awad at the helm of the sales team, DB Investing will continue to prioritize the development of new products and services that empower its clients. Awad’s approach to sales is centered on understanding the specific needs of clients and providing solutions that enhance their trading experience. His customer-centric approach aligns with DB Investing’s mission to offer exceptional service and support to traders of all levels. Awad’s appointment marks an exciting chapter for DB Investing as it continues to innovate and deliver value to its clients. By leveraging his extensive experience and expertise, the company aims to reinforce its commitment to empowering traders and providing them with the tools they need to succeed.
    DB Investing, a global leader in financial brokera
    2 تعليق
    Say Eldwansy
    Congrats Mahmoud! ♥️♥️
    يوسف عبدالرحمن
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